The Kirri-Tikkakoski motorway on national highway 4 creates safety and flow

We improved national highway 4, which is one of the most important main roads for heavy traffic in Finland – and best of all, the motorway was opened to traffic 8 months ahead of schedule. With the new grade-separated junctions, a new parallel road and new pedestrian and bicycle ways, the completed motorway improves the flow of traffic and increases safety. In addition to transit traffic, the improvement of the national highway promotes the business-related and residential land use of the City of Jyväskylä.
We improved national highway 4 by constructing a motorway between Kirri, Jyväskylä, and Vehniä, Laukaa. The motorway responds to the growing traffic volumes in Jyväskylä and the entire Central Finland. We constructed a 2+2-lane motorway with a central barrier on the national highway. The motorway section between Makkarajoki river and the grade-separated junction Vehniä was located in an existing terrain corridor. Between Kirri and Makkarajoki river, we built the motorway in a new terrain corridor.
The success of the project in terms of both scheduling and quality was possible with our competent personnel, the model-based design and construction of the roads and bridges and model-based, real-time quality monitoring. We have been accumulating experience in model-based production since the beginning of the millennium.
We executed the project as a Design and Build (design-build-develop) contract, and the development phase was an integral part of it. The flexible and efficient way of working, smooth cooperation between the different parties and digitality made it possible to complete the large project ahead of schedule.
In the contract, we made use of our diverse expertise in geotechnical design. The commission included the geotechnical design of 30 new bridges and noise barriers. In addition, our design work played a strong specialist role in the design of the base reinforcements of the road geotechnology.
Construction work will continue in 2022–23, when we will, for example, build a grade-separated junction in Kirri and extend the parallel road and pedestrian and bicycle way between Kirri and Puuppola. Finishing work and the third surface layer of the motorway will be completed in 2023. The final surface layer of the motorway will be completed in 2026.