Safe and punctual railway traffic with railway maintenance

We enable the transport of people and freight every day of the year. We are a leading company in the maintenance of superstructures and signalling for railways in Finland.
We operate comprehensively around the railway network and know the local conditions. We inspect and maintain the track and track environment regardless of the time of year or day. We extend the life cycle of the track network with proactive, timely and appropriate measures.
We maintain both main railway lines with high-speed traffic and track sections with little traffic.
Railway maintenance contracts include the maintenance of track superstructures, switches, track equipment and installations, substructures and foundation structures, railway areas, loop lines, outdoor areas and control and signalling. In addition, the maintenance responsibilities in the areas include maintenance surveys carried out during on-site work and annual quality assurance measurements (e.g. switches, NDT measurements). The maintenance areas may also include special features such as hump yards, double track sections and tunnels.